The following table gives the attendance requirements for qualification to grade.

Request to be Graded Qualification Required Annual attendance Remk.
Shodan-kai 4 months or more 16 lessons + Sensei
Jodan-kai 4 months from Shodan-kai 16 lessons + Sensei
Shodan-ho 4 months from Jodan-kai 16 lessons + Shihan
Sho-Dan Shodan-ho 30+ lessons per annum Shihan
Nidan-ho Sho-Dan 30+ lessons pre annum Shihan
Ni-Dan Nidan-ho 30+ lessons per annum Shihan
Sandan-ho Ni-Dan 32+ lessons per annum Shihan
San-Dan Sandan-ho 33+ lessons per annum Shihan
Yondan-ho San-Dan 35+ lessons per annum Shihan
Yon-Dan Yondan-ho 35+ lessons per annum Shihan
Go-dan Yon-Dan 40+ lessons per annum Shihan
Roku-Dan Go-Dan 40+ lessons per annum Shihan
Nana-dan Roku-Dan 40+ lessons per annum Shihan
Shihan-Dai Nana-Dan Recommended by.. Grandmaster
Hachi-Dan Shihan-Dai Recommended by.. Grandmaster
Joseki-Shihan 8th Dan + 2 years 46+ years of age Grandmaster
Suseki-Shihan Joseki-Shihan + 3 years 50+ years of age Grandmaster
Kyu-Dan Suseki-Shihan + 5 years 65+ years of age Grandmaster


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